Sunday, February 21, 2021

Discover University - RoomMates

 If your version of Sims 4 allows roommates, i.e. Discovery University, then you are in for an interesting and eclectic treat. The basic needs of a roommate is a spare bed and nightstand next to the bed. 

Roommates have an uncanny knack of locking themselves out at all hours and inopportune times. When you see the roommate standing out in front of the house/apartment with a key in their thought bubble, that means they have gotten locked out. You also may receive a call while out on a date or errand, asking you to come home as soon as possible (now would be better) to let them in. If your Sim (as landlord) does not immediately act to help out, you can click on the locked out roommate to establish an interaction, and click through to "Roommate" then click on the Roommate options to "Help Out." 

Roommate Locked Out

Roommates throw parties, eat your leftover food, leave trash out, leave food to rot on coffee tables, use your computer, watch your TV, play music in the middle of the night, and any other annoying situation that they can get into. If you have a garden, they will harvest it before you get the chance, first thing in the morning. But, on occasion, they will also help by cleaning, cooking, taking out the trash, or tending the garden. It is a real mixed bag of behaviors.  

Roommate's Needs

The perk is that you don't have to maintain your roommate's needs, but that's just it.  If your home does not "meet their needs" they will move out.  My Sim once used a roommate's bed, and that was enough to cause the roommate to move out. Make certain that the roommate has an assigned bed that others don't "accidentally" use. The roommates need a "quality" bed.  If your Sim cannot afford an expensive bed, use the Handiness upgrades to improve the bed quality for the roommate. Roommates seem to sleep a lot, in their bed and on sofas.

Roommate Actions

Some roommates have more needs than others. Some will need a lot of specific activities or room ambiances that are not always obvious. The roommate will give a warning that their needs are not being met, but they will not tell your Sim what their needs are.  They may confront your Sim or they may leave nasty notes laying around. Your Sim will likely become angry as a result.  Some roommates are "frisky" in their behaviors and display public affection that might upset your Sim. If you click on the Roommate Interactions, you can usually tell what they are doing in the moment that upsets you.  Your Sim always has the option to Kick Out a roommate. 


At least twice per week you will receive some rent, but not on Monday's Bill Day. Rent is typically received about mid-day on Sundays and Wednesdays. It is never enough to pay for the full house bill, but each roommate will pay about 10% - 25% of your overall bill. 

Invite a Roommate

If you have a spare bed in your home, you click on the individual Sim, select "more choices" and the option to invite a roommate should pop up.  Roommates cannot be people who have homes or families to take care of.  I have Seasons, so I tend to invite Santa (Father Winter) as an easy option.  If you have multiple roommates, I have learned that Santa can be pretty much of a control freak, leaving nasty notes for your Sim and your other roommates complaining about boundries, which is pretty ironic. My Sim currently has the Father Winter and the Bunny as roommates.  My Sim did try to get the Robot to become a roommate, but it would not come up as an option. 

Your Sim can place Roommate Ads, but then will need to wait for applicants to show up within the week.  Sometimes, the replies never show up. People who knock on your door will have "Potential Roommate" over their heads when you hover your mouse over them. Then your Sim can interact with the roommate prospect to learn more about their traits. Some prospects may not be a good fit. Once you invite the roommate to move in, the ad will disappear. 

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