Saturday, February 1, 2020

Llama Land Library - Missing Skills Books - Sims 4 Basegame

If you are building a neighborhood using the Llama Land Library from the Sims 4 Gallery, you may soon discover that, unlike the Willow Creek Archive Library, Llama Land Library only has a few books on its library shelves and none of them are skill based.  The question being, how to fix this without using any "cheats."

The Llama Land Library seems like such a useless library! I have read a lot of suggestions with extensive steps to get those skill books on the shelves, by essentially cloning them, but who-boy, what a process. Or there are cheats, but I don't like to use them.

When I first start to build my new neighborhood with Llama Land Library (typically in Newcrest), I create a "throw away adult Sim" and then basically take the next few steps to fill the library with books.

  1. Your Throw Away Sim purchases one of the tiny empty lots in Newcrest. [Do not build anything, yet.] Just save and exit into Manage Worlds.
  2. In Manage Worlds, select an empty lot at least 20x30 and build the library. [If you don't know how to do this, there are plenty of sites that explain.]
  3. Save/exit Manage World.
  4. Now "load the game" and select the new throw away Sim's lot and open that back up [basically activating that lot starts the process].
  5. Use that Sim's Cellphone to travel to the Llama Land library.
  6. Have that Sim use the library computer to Order Books.
  7. Purchase one of every skill book available. [Scroll down the list adding one of each book to the order and then Purchase.]
  8. Books will load into the Sim's personal inventory.
  9. Click on each book in the inventory and instruct Sim to "Put Away." [This is the tedious part, depending on how many skill books are purchased.] The basic game is typically about 18 sets of Skills Books times 3 per set. 
  10. Sim will put each book onto the shelves. 
  11. Have Sim travel back home after stocking the shelves. 
  12. Save and exit.
  13. Before creating your next Sims family/character check to ensure that Llama Library is still in Newcrest. 
  14. After creating your next Sim family/character and proceed to play from there. 
  15. At any point after that, you can delete your Throw Away Sims. 

The future Sims you develop should be able to access the skills books at Llama Land Library in the future generations.

Unlike the Willow Creek Archive, if a book is not on the shelves, it is because another Sims in the game has the book.  Your Sims may need to search around the library to see which Sims is reading it, or find it on a table or floor.

Once you have the new family going, you can eventually pull out your throw away Sim and delete him/her from the world.

One word of caution.  If you choose not to eliminate that first Sims, he/she may go to the library and walk away with some of the skills books that he/she purchased because that Sims technically "owns" the books.

Now, save that new Llama Land Library to your personal Sims Gallery with all the Skills Books on the shelves.

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