Although I've had the Island Living expansion pack for several years, I just never gotten around to trying the career of Conservationist. Now don't get me wrong, my Sim has done plenty of cleaning up around the island and improving the environment, but never went so far as to make a career of it.
The career has two tracks, Marine Biologist and Environmental Manager. I also didn't realize that the job can be done "from home" allowing the Sim to do other tasks during the day. So this allows a Sim to live in another World and still get some of the activities done by using a PC from home. However, there are some tasks that require the Sim to travel to Sulani World to accomplish a few of the tasks, such as collecting Ocean Samples.
Some things to consider when starting this career. Logic skill is needed and some of the career tasks, such as research will help the Sim develop their logic. Some of the from home tasks are obscure, like "Spray an Invasive Species." It suggests that the Sim to "Survey Wildlife...." but, just what does that mean? How does a Sim find the Wildlife that can be surveyed? It turns out that Wildlife means to have the Sim Survey floating algae, plants, fishing holes, and pretty much anything else that pops up with a Conservation Icon and the "Survey" option when an object is clicked on. This is not the same as Survey Ocean Wildlife. That will involve swimming out to a buoy. Also, the Take Samples from the Ocean is not so straight forward. You may need to click around for a while on the water around the island to find a spot that a sample can be taken. The closer to the shore, where the Sim can wade, is usually where the sample can, eventually, be taken. The bags of samples and research data will go into the Sim's personal inventory for use later.
Just be aware, that some of these tasks can take a few hours of Sims time, so be sure to take care of needs in and around these tasks.